What is Cash Application?

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Cash application is a critical process in the accounts receivable (AR) cycle that involves matching incoming payments to corresponding invoices, addressing any discrepancies, and accurately posting the payments to the appropriate accounts.

Cash application ensures that businesses can efficiently manage customer payments and collections, ultimately contributing to healthy payment operations.

The Benefits of Implementing a Robust Cash Application System

Implementing a robust cash application system offers numerous benefits, including:

How Does Cash Application Work?

The cash application process involves several key steps:

  1. Payment and remittance aggregation: Collecting payments and associated remittance data from various sources, such as checks, electronic payments, and customer portals.
  2. Invoice matching and deduction coding: Matching payments to corresponding invoices and identifying any discrepancies or deductions.
  3. Cash posting: Applying the payments to the appropriate accounts in the company's ERP system.

Manual cash applications can be time-consuming, prone to errors, and may lack visibility into the payment reconciliation process. These challenges can hinder the efficiency of the AR process and create potential discrepancies in financial records.

Common challenges include:

As noted in our 2023 State of Payment Operations report, over 8 in 10 decision makers (82%) report that up to half of their payment operations are still done manually.

Automating the cash application process can address the challenges associated with manual reconciliation. Benefits include:

Implementing Cash Application Software: Key Considerations

When implementing cash application software, key considerations include:

Best Practices for Optimizing Cash Application

To optimize the cash application process, businesses should focus on:

Cash Application Frequently Asked Questions

What are the common challenges associated with manual cash application?

How can automation improve the cash application process?

What are some key considerations when choosing cash application software?

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